10 Amazing Things That Weigh 500 Grams – Images

Have you ever wondered about the weight of commonplace objects? We often handle them without considering their exact mass. But understanding weight can be surprisingly useful in the kitchen, at the gym, or when packing for a trip. Today, we discover 10 interesting things that weigh 500 grams – roughly the weight of two tennis balls!

What weight is 500g?

500 grams is roughly the weight of:

  • 2 tennis balls
  • A large apple
  • 2 slices of bread
  • A can of soup

List of 10 Amazing Things That Weigh 500 Grams

1. A Slice of Knowledge: The All-Encompassing Cup

For bakers and cooks, the trusty measuring cup reigns supreme. A standard cup, typically used in recipes, holds approximately 240 millilitres (mL). Since the density of water is close to 1 gram per mL, a cup filled with water weighs around 240 grams.

However, most recipes utilize dry ingredients, which tend to be less dense than water. So, a cup of flour generally weighs around 120 grams, while a cup of sugar clocks in at roughly 200 grams. This knowledge helps with accurate recipe scaling and portion control.

2. Bean There, Weighed That: A Coffee Lover’s Delight

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

Coffee enthusiasts, rejoice! A freshly roasted bag of coffee beans often contains around 500 grams. This translates to roughly 34 tablespoons of whole coffee beans, perfect for brewing a pot of your favourite beverage.

However, the weight can vary depending on the bean type and roast level. Denser beans like Arabica might weigh slightly more, while Robusta beans could be a tad lighter.

3. The Power of Knowledge: A Paperback Adventure

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

For bookworms, the weight of a paperback can be a crucial factor, especially when considering portability.

The typical mass of a paperback book falls within the range of 400 to 600 grams. So, a 500-gram paperback is a good average, offering a substantial reading experience without feeling too bulky in your bag.

4. A Feathered Friend: The Weight of a Chicken Breast

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

For health-conscious individuals, chicken breast is a popular lean protein source. A boneless, skinless chicken breast typically weighs around 150 to 200 grams raw.

However, two good-sized chicken breasts can easily reach the 500-gram mark, providing a satisfying and nutritious meal.

5. Cheesy Goodness: A Brick of Delight

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

Cheese lovers, this one’s for you! A standard brick of cheddar cheese generally weighs around 450 to 500 grams.

This makes it perfect for grating, slicing, or cubing for various culinary creations. Remember, cheese density can vary slightly depending on the type, so some cheeses might weigh a bit more or less.

6. A Canvas for Creativity: The Weight of a Canvas Board

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

Aspiring artists and seasoned painters alike utilize canvas boards to bring their visions to life. A standard medium-sized canvas board, often used for acrylic or oil painting, typically weighs around 500 grams.

This lightweight option offers a convenient and portable platform for artistic expression.

7. A Touch of Sweetness: The Weight of a Jar of Honey

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

A standard jar of honey generally holds around 340 grams. However, the weight can vary depending on the jar size and the type of honey. Thicker honey varieties, like Manuka honey, might be slightly denser, while lighter varieties could weigh a bit less.

8. Groundwork for Flavor: A Pack of Ground Beef

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

A standard pack of ground beef, a versatile ingredient in countless dishes, usually weighs around 500 grams. This knowledge comes in handy when planning meals, following recipes, or ensuring you have enough meat for your culinary creations.

9. A Ball of Fun: The Weight of a Soccer Ball

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

For soccer enthusiasts, the weight of the ball is crucial for optimal performance. According to FIFA regulations, a size 5 soccer ball, used in professional matches, must weigh between 410 and 450 grams at the start of the game. This ensures a consistent playing experience for athletes.

10. Grains of Goodness: Three Slices of Whole Wheat Bread

Things That Weigh 500 Grams

Three slices of whole wheat bread, a breakfast or sandwich favorite, typically add up to around 500 grams. This can aid in mindful eating and portion control, especially when aiming for balanced meals.


Understanding the weight of everyday objects can be surprisingly useful in various situations. From portion control in the kitchen to packing efficiently for a trip, this knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions. So, the next time you hold a common item, take a moment to ponder its weight – it might reveal more than you think!

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